svaerm: Agency for Easy Read


The translation of content in easy read is much more than following rules or using simple words. As an Agency for easy read, we translate texts based on sound expert knowledge, in consultation with review groups and – if applicable – in compliance with legal requirements (in compliance with § 4 BITV 2.0).

Eine Person sitzt entspannt in einem Sessel und liest ein Buch. Sie hält das Buch mit beiden Händen, während ein blaues Lesehilfsmittel (Lesestreifen) über den Text gelegt ist, um das Lesen zu erleichtern.

Communication barriers are an everyday problem – and websites are no exception. Texts in easy read are an efficient means of tackling accessibility challenges on the Internet, promoting inclusion and at the same time reaching completely new target groups. The aim is to simplify the essential content so that as many people as possible can understand it.

Public authorities or institutions that receive more than half of their funding from the federal government are generally subject to the Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung (BITV) 2.0. This means that the translation of specific web content into easy read is actually mandatory for certain website operators.

Our Services

Consulting and planning:

Before the actual translation takes place, the scope of the translation must be assessed. The decisive question here is whether you are subject to BITV 2.0 and what content you personally wish to communicate in easy read.

For websites of authorities and public institutions*, the translation of the following content into easy read is mandatory:

  • A summary of the website’s basic content,
  • a presentation of the website navigation,
  • references to further/additional content in easy read
  • and the most important contents of the accessibility declaration.

Based on the nature of the content, it might be a good idea to provide a dictionary and other subpages with additional content in easy read. We recommend a dictionary if the translation involves specialized texts. In this way, technical terminology can not only be explained in easy read, but the pronunciation can also be made clear by means of phonetic transcription.

We will be happy to discuss the exact scope of the project with you during an initial meeting, distinguish between “necessary” measures and your individual wishes, as well as advise you on questions regarding the layout of the navigation or the selection of content.

*Institutions such as associations or clubs can be subject to BITV 2.0 if they receive more than 50 percent public funding.

Translation of texts into easy read: 

As an agency for easy read, we work in collaboration with a variety of experts. In this way, we ensure that both specialty and everyday texts are translated according to the latest requirements in a way that is understandable and suitable for the target group, regardless of the language level.

In principle, it is important to note that your texts can change substantially when translated into easy read: The order of content can be altered to make it more understandable, essential statements can be moved to the beginning of the text, while irrelevant information can be omitted altogether. Accordingly, our translation services include Feedback cycles an open communication culture

Our services include the translation of website text, PDFs or print media.

Creation of accessible illustrations:

When it comes to translating content into easy read, we refer specifically to web content. After all, it is not only the text that is essential for easy understanding. Accessible illustrations also make a significant contribution. The illustration should: 

  • have a clear focus,
  • contain uncluttered/no small-size motifs,
  • have a high contrast,
  • be directly related to the content of the text,
  • be aligned in parallel to the explanatory text,
  • provide a zoom function,
  • and include alternative texts in easy read.

Our range of services for the illustration of texts in easy read includes image editing as well as the editing and formatting of images by our art direction department and the creation of an image database for further editorial use.

Quality control through test groups:

In addition to translating the texts into easy read and illustrating them, we as an agency also take care of quality control. Selected test groups, depending on the objective/target audience for the content, are used to assess how understandable the content is in a scenario that is as realistic as possible. 

The test group usually consists of at least 3 people who are themselves dependent on easy read for various reasons. If the content is found to be understandable, the text and images can be approved in good conscience for use in the easy read version.

Technical implementation and support:

At svaerm, we treat easy read like another foreign language. Should your website be a multisite, we recommend implementing your own database (e.g., for German and English language versions). A link to switch the website content to easy read should/must also be clearly visible on the homepage (ideally in the header menu).

Upon request, we can advise you on the implementation of all required website features or, as a WordPress agency, take over the implementation of the necessary functions and content. We are also happy to work with your agency and, for instance, take on the project management for the implementation of accessible content.

Why svaerm?

We see ourselves as an agency for easy read that thinks outside the box. Our approach is not based on rigid, standardized patterns. Basically, translating content into easy read is not about working from a rulebook or merely fulfilling legal requirements.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen unterschiedlichen Geschlechts und Alters, einige mit sichtbaren Behinderungen, lächeln in die Kamera.
When translating content into easy read, we involve the target group directly in our feedback loops.

We focus on the central purpose of easy read: to prepare the essential statements of a text in such a way as to make them easily understandable for as many people as possible. To this end, we work in close collaboration with a network of experts as well as selected review groups, in order to deliver not only compliant texts, but also accessible and inclusive content of the highest quality.

Contact Persons

Are you planning to translate content into easy read or make your website accessible? As an experienced agency for easy read and accessible websites, we are happy to assist you. Just send us a written request using the contact form below. We will then be happy to arrange an appointment for a preliminary consultation – by phone, video conference, or in person.

Our Projects in Easy Read

The Climate Department (Klimareferat) of the City of Frankfurt commissioned svaerm to develop an accessible website in easy read. The aim is to make climate protection topics easily understandable for people with cognitive or motor disabilities, learning difficulties or poor language skills. The website aims to enable social participation, contribute to climate protection and meet the legal requirements of the Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung (BITV) 2.0.

What Our Customers Say

Robin Conrad, Kuraray Europe GmbH, Elastomer Division

svaerm has exceeded all expectations.

Robin Conrad,
Marketing & CRM, Kuraray Europe GmbH, Elastomer Division

Margit Herberth, Messe Frankfurt

The agency advised us very well and translated our objectives into a digital campaign strategy.[…]

Margit Herberth,
Messe Frankfurt

After more and more customers started accessing our website via smartphone, we asked the agency to come up with a mobile-responsive redesign that fits well with Prime Capital and allows in-house maintenance. The agency designed a magazine-like navigation that translates our brand effectively into the digital sphere and always offers something new to returning users through the random arrangement of the individual tiles. The agency worked in an extremely focused and independent manner and the project remained on time as well as in budget. The result is impressive – we are very satisfied..

Christian Banzer,
Prime Capital

Good to Know: What is Easy Read?

Basically, easy read is a particularly easily understandable form of standard German that follows certain specific rules. It uses short, simple words, avoids foreign words and passive forms, explains difficult terms and structures compound words in a reader-friendly way using hyphens. It is worth noting that in some cases it may be necessary to deviate from the spelling rules for the sake of making the text more understandable and reader-friendly. For example, particularly difficult terms/foreign words are reproduced in phonetic transcription:

Inclusion Europe

This is in English.

It is pronounced:

in-kloo-zhuhn yuor-ruhp

Easy read is enhanced by a layout with clear fonts, high contrasts and clearly structured blocks of text with short sections. Image elements are inserted alongside the relevant text block to establish a clear context.  

Example of Text in Easy Read

To provide you with a better understanding of easy read, here is a text excerpt from our customer project Klimaschutz Frankfurt in easy read. It explains the effects of our diet on the climate:

Easy read is aimed at people with cognitive impairments or poor language skills. In easy read, the informal “you” (“Du”) is often used to make communication as simple and accessible as possible. The informal “you” (“Du”) is therefore not intended to talk down to the target audience, but to make the content more understandable.

The situation is similar for Gender in Easy Read. Since gender-appropriate language often complicates sentence structure, the question arises as to whether gendered language and easy read are actually compatible in practice.

Good to Know: Who is the Target Audience for Easy Read?

Easy read offers a barrier-free access to information, particularly for people with cognitive impairments or learning disabilities. But the target audience is much larger than you might think at first glance. People who have some difficulties with complex texts for various reasons also benefit from clearly formulated content in easy read. This includes people with a migration background, older people and people with a low level of education. 

Contact Options for Companies

Further Services for an Accessible Web Presence

Agency for Accessible Websites

Make your website accessible in accordance with the WCAG 2.1 / 2.2 conformance levels with svaerm – Agency for accessible websites.

To the article

Ein Blindenstock, der über gelbe taktile Leitstreifen auf dem Boden geführt wird. Im Hintergrund sind verschwommen Schuhe zu sehen, was die Bewegung einer Person andeutet.

Accessible Website – An Overview

An overview of the deadlines, what you can implement immediately and which criteria are decisive for an accessible website.

To the article

Klimaschutz Frankfurt in easy read

The Climate Department of the City of Frankfurt (Klimareferat) has commissioned svaerm to develop a website in easy read to communicate climate protection in Frankfurt in an easily understandable way.

To the article

Ein Ty

Checklist for an accessible website

How accessible is your website already? Take the self-test with the help of our checklist.

To the article

Ein Bauarbeiter in Arbeitskleidung verwendet einen Presslufthammer, um eine Wand aus Ziegelsteinen und Putz einzureißen. Staub und Trümmer fliegen dabei umher.

The BFSG and the WCAG: Mandatory accessible website 2025

What already applies to public institutions will also become mandatory for some private companies as a result of the BFSG.

To the article

Der Eingang eines öffentlichen Gebäudes. Zwei Glastüren befinden sich nebeneinander. Links ist ein Symbol für barrierefreien Zugang und rechts ein Schild für Behindertenparkplätze.

The BITV explained in simple terms – Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung

The updated BITV 2.0 came into force on May 25, 2019. This means that websites of public institutions must be accessible.

To the article


Max Hertel
Digital Marketing Manager
+49 (0)69 9494 5 919-4